Saturday, July 28, 2007

Doomsday Clock - Chapter 2 - 1979

I am the end product of the 70's. Yes. I am a product. We all are. Our IC numbers are our bar codes. And we all have a expiry date. But is only known by our company - God. However, there are some who decide to expire early...I am one of those who decide to expire early. I think I out-stay my shelve life.

I don't recall my childhood. Is like my childhood never happen and I just skip all that head straight to my secondary school life. Always on a low profile. But somehow, people still know me. Always wanted to get bully just so I can fight back. I never fought anyone before, so like Tyler Durden [Fight Club] said "How much do u knw about yourself, if you never been into a fight?" or something like that. Sometimes I hope that while walking down the street, some punk will pick a fight with me and I will, finally get my hands all bloody. Or my face get bloody. It doesn't matter if I win or lose. I just want to be involve in a fight. So that will be one of my goals before I kill myself this week. To get into a fight.

This is still the first day. I stop my last entry because I need to take a shit. Well if you have to shit, you have to shit regardless whether you going to die or what.

Is about 8pm and I did nothing but watch movie on my compute the whole day. Death never occur to me till now. I turn on the TV, to see what's on the News. I hardly turn on the News as I hate to read about the News. Current affair doesn't interest me. Is always bad news. But sometimes is nice to hear bad news. Is always nice to know that, somewhere out there, someone;s life is much more fuck up than yours. Knowing that makes me happy. But today news seem to be more on the moon. Something about the moon getting closer to earth. Oh great! Just as I was about to end my life this week, Something REALLY happen. Please, don't let it change my plan. I decide to turn it off, course I just don't want to hear any more...I really hate to change my plan. Just as I was about to turn the TV off, I suddenly have the urge to play some Guitar...Hero...

To be continue....
Untitled (at the moment)

Enter a world of elves, gnomes, trolls, halflings & more. Your guides for the journey: the calm yet impulsive human fighter - Fei Qi, the powerful half-orc barbarian - Musahaha & the latest addition to their party, a talkative annoying halfing rogue/cleric - Tan Ah Huat. Their company doesn't come without a price though. Find yourself dragged into a dimension of endless battle, dungeons, betrayl and an array of towns with their own distinct "flavour".

[summary to be re-edited. brain dead for now]

No chapters @ the moment.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Full Circle - Chapter VII

It was just another regular night in the slumps. Was lucky that day. Some kind lady bought me a meal of canned beef earlier. I was just finishing off the scraps and getting ready for bed when I saw a silhouette appear against the light from the main streets.

At first I couldn’t be sure. It’s been awhile since I returned to the house. It couldn’t be, I thought. What would she be doing, walking along the alley?

The back roads don’t exactly provide safe passage for a solitary female traveler as others of undesirable professions lurk. The others don’t give me and my friends much trouble if we stay out of the way. Nothing more than a kick or two I’ve received now and then. But things are different when other city dwellers are involved though – I’ve seen bad things happen to them… things that I don’t wish to recount. She should have known better than to take such a path.

I held my breath and waited. As the figure came closer, I could make out the features of her face. She looked older, and her hair was no longer red, but there was no mistake. Try as I might, I could never forget her. It was my Princess alright.

Why would she have taken that route that night, I never found out. She seemed to have something on her mind. No, she seemed to be looking for something, peering behind a trash bin or two. Well, I guess that wasn’t the first time she walked that way and she probably dropped something the last time she passed. It doesn’t matter I suppose. I wonder if she would still recognize me if I went up to her. Then again… bad idea.

I suppressed my raging emotions, and resisted all thoughts of revealing myself. Instead, I retreated further into the shadows and let her pass me by, keeping an eye on her every step. I prayed that she’ll get to the end of the passageway without harm.

God must have been sleeping that night.
Full Circle

Have you ever met someone in your life, someone so important, that you knew you will give up everything for? How much are you willing to forfeit for the person you claim you love? How far are you willing to go to prove your feelings? A tale of love, emotional conflict, bravery, selfless sacrifice... and on top of all, undying loyalty.

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Doomsday Clock

The countdown of a person's last weeks of Life... follow his journey of drug,sex,zombies,rape and guitar hero.

Chapter I
Chapter II

Doomsday Clock

What will you do if you have a week to live? Will you spend it with your love ones? Finish what you left un-finish? Do things you never done before? Maybe fuck as many girls as you can in a day? Or fuck a guy, just for the experience? Or maybe rob a bank? Or kill someone? You see, I only have a week to live. I'm dying. I don't have any illness. Matter of fact, I'm perfectly healthy. So why am I dying? Simple reason...I just want to die. I given myself a dead line. By end of this week, I will be dead. Probably with a rope around my neck. Actually, I haven't thought about how I will end my life. There are many methods to kill yourself and all seem so tempting. I wish I can try them all but this ain't a video game and I only have one credit. Is a one shot deal. So I have to choose wisely.

The question you are asking right now is - why the fuck do I want to kill myself? The answer? Not a clue. Maybe along the way, you figure out why. And when you do, please don't tell me. I don't want to change my plan.

So let's start.

Any given day in any given month of any given year, the doomsday clock begin.

My first day-

Woke up the same as everyday. Which is around 2 in the afternoon. Strange, really. I mean I'm going to die and i still wake up late. Really goes to show that I don't give a shit about my life, doesn't it? So I got up and the first thing I did was to turn on the computer monitor and check my download process. I might be dying but at least, let me catch the latest movie before I die. And I sure as hell don't want to wait for our local release. It might be too late. Afraid of getting caught? Dude, I'm dying. You think that will be a problem? You see, I like movies. Man, do I like movies. I can talk about movie the whole day. But then I ain't got the whole day, so I spare you the torture. If you are wondering, shouldn't I be at work? Then you slap yourself in the head for asking that question course you realize "Fuck, you going to die anyway, like you care about working, right?" Well you are wrong. I probably be at work if I have one. See, unlike other people. I won't mind working even if my life is about to end. That's the best part actually. You can go to work and give attitude to anyone you like or dislike. I mean don't you want to do that? To go work just to piss people off? Instead of not going to work and not pissing them off.

So wait a minute. You ain't working. Yes I ain't working. Been a seeking for a job for months. Let me give you an advice. Meet more friends. The more friends you meet, the higher chance of getting a job. You see friends know friends who know people who works in a company who seek people but they not going to publish an ad. in the newspaper, probably save cost, so decide to ask their people to see if they got friends to recomend. So one plus one and you get a job. I don't have much friends...hence no job. Stupid logic. I know.

Hmm friends. I hate to meet friends. Especially those I haven't met in years. They usually come out with questions that fucking irriate the shit out of you. "Hi, so what you been doing?" What I do is none of your business. Really. Normally, I just give them the "Oh nothing much" answer. And then went straight to "So what about you?" Even thought I have no interest in knowing what they do but it beats telling them what I do...which is nothing and then questions like "So you seeking for job?" and stuffs like that....which irriate the shit out of me more. You see, I know the shit I'm in...I don't need people to tell me the shit I'm in. And another best thing about friends is, they tend to have some mind reading skills. When you got a job, you don't hear from them at all. When you out of a job, they knock on your door.

This story will continue during these few days, before I kill myself.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chapter VI

I do not wish to go into details. The emotional pain is a tad too hard to bear.

In short, I left.

It is amazing that I even had the strength to walk away. It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done my entire life. After an incident that ended with Elisabeth yelling at me to get out of the house, I simply departed from the place that I’ve called home for years, and told myself never to look back.

But look back, is what I did – countless times. However, the family never found out, as I kept myself unseen, lurking in the shadows like a predator stalking its prey. I never meant them any harm though. All I wanted was to watch the little girls grow up… and of course, to catch a glimpse, no matter how fleeting, of my lovely Princess. I missed them all bitterly, and I wonder if they’d ever thought of me. I wonder if anyone even attempted to look for me.

Anyway, the girls blossomed and Elisabeth seemed happy. That was all that matters.

I made my home in one of the alleyways, and managed to keep myself alive somehow – feeding on scraps from the city dumpsters, stealing food from the streets stalls & relying on the charity of others.

The winters were cold and harsh; the summers wet and unpredictable. Somehow, I kept myself alive. By then, I had already given up hope that I will return to the nice warm house that I spent most of my youth in. Frankly, I have no idea what it is that gave me the will to live. It would have been easy to simply lay down and die… but I guess survival is the basic instinct every man and beast is equipped with the minute they enter this world.

I had help though. I didn’t simply do that all alone. In time, I made a few friends out of my fellow street urchins and they taught me how to survive on the streets – what to do, and what not to do.

Life was hard, but I got by day after day.

And it wasn't till years later before our paths ever crossed again.