Friday, July 27, 2007

Full Circle - Chapter VII

It was just another regular night in the slumps. Was lucky that day. Some kind lady bought me a meal of canned beef earlier. I was just finishing off the scraps and getting ready for bed when I saw a silhouette appear against the light from the main streets.

At first I couldn’t be sure. It’s been awhile since I returned to the house. It couldn’t be, I thought. What would she be doing, walking along the alley?

The back roads don’t exactly provide safe passage for a solitary female traveler as others of undesirable professions lurk. The others don’t give me and my friends much trouble if we stay out of the way. Nothing more than a kick or two I’ve received now and then. But things are different when other city dwellers are involved though – I’ve seen bad things happen to them… things that I don’t wish to recount. She should have known better than to take such a path.

I held my breath and waited. As the figure came closer, I could make out the features of her face. She looked older, and her hair was no longer red, but there was no mistake. Try as I might, I could never forget her. It was my Princess alright.

Why would she have taken that route that night, I never found out. She seemed to have something on her mind. No, she seemed to be looking for something, peering behind a trash bin or two. Well, I guess that wasn’t the first time she walked that way and she probably dropped something the last time she passed. It doesn’t matter I suppose. I wonder if she would still recognize me if I went up to her. Then again… bad idea.

I suppressed my raging emotions, and resisted all thoughts of revealing myself. Instead, I retreated further into the shadows and let her pass me by, keeping an eye on her every step. I prayed that she’ll get to the end of the passageway without harm.

God must have been sleeping that night.

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