Sunday, April 1, 2007

Chapter II

She must have been about 15 years old, a teenager, but she has this air of childish innocent aura surrounding her. It was as if Time never took a toll on her at all. I fell in love with everything about her. Her eyes, her smile, her voice... especially her hair. Soft. Red. Cascading around her shoulders, falling to her waist. That day, as she stepped out of the car, the wind was blowing. Her locks are like tendrils drifting with the elements, framing her delicate features so perfectly that I thought I must be staring into the face of an angel. She didn't look wind-blown. She looked wind-kissed. I can't say the same for the others who emerged from the car with her.

Our eyes met. Something passed between us - or at least, it did seem that way to me. At that point of time, I knew that she is the girl I'll live for. Probably, she will be the one I'll die for too.

She must have known that our destinies are interwined somehow too, for immediately she turned to a middle aged man. I didn't manage to overhear the words they spoke, but it was apparent that they were talking about me for occasionally either one will throw a glance in my direction. A middle age woman joined the conversation. More words were exchanged. I tried not to fidget, I tried not to look too concerned; but deep down curiousity threatened to consume me whole - inside out.

After what seemed like an eternity later, the middle aged man beckoned to me. I shuffled over. He scrutinized me from head to toe. Afterwhich, he made a phone phonecalls. I could her him describing me to the people who were on the other side of the line. Then finally, he gave what it seemed to be a nod of approval. She needed no further encouragement. Smiling widely, she placed her hand on my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "from today, you will be part of our family... you will be my brother."

"And you will be my Princess," I thought to myself.

Her name? Elisabeth. Princess Elisabeth.

[To be Continued...]

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