Saturday, March 31, 2007

Summer. Almost two decades ago. That was when my story began.

I was born on a farm I never saw. Of my father, I knew nothing of. It was only slightly later that I found out my mum had passed away during labor. According to the kind old lady who bottle-fed me, my mum had one child too many and the exhaustion of it all finally killed her. It’s funny though, I never met my siblings. No one even mentioned them.

Not that I care, really.

As I grew older, I comprehended that I was even lucky to be alive in the first place. I was so fragile at birth. Without a mother to care for me, it was a marvel to some that I survived long enough to be found. If it had been winter when I entered this World, I’m sure I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to experience what I’ve come to call “Life”. Guess Fate was smiling upon me that very night when I emerged. But that smile might have been a twisted one – for I was born with a missing limb… with one leg missing, to be precise.

I never let that handicap dampen my spirit though. I learnt to use my remaining limbs well. I was perfectly healthy, albeit a little too scrawny.

For a few years, the kind old lady was the only family I knew.

Till she passed on to the realms beyond.

I might have felt sorrow then. I might have mourned. I don’t remember.

All I remember was feeling confused when they lowered the box into the ground – the very box where she lay. I was young back then. I didn’t know what Death was. I was thinking that she must have been playing a joke on me, pretending that she was asleep and that she couldn’t hear me. But she didn’t wake up. Earth covered the box and soon I could no longer see her.

For a period of time, I wandered around the place where she lay. No one paid me much attention. Not that there were many people visiting the area to begin with. I learnt to capture small rodents for food, but mostly I survived on the scraps I could salvage from anywhere.

Time passed.

Then one day, I was just lazing beneath one of the willow trees when I heard this car pull up beside me. A sleek black metal creature. From one of the doors, out stepped the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen my entire Life.


[To be continued...]


one of us said...

shouldnt u put a title on your story? u toot!

Shady said...

hmm?? I can't think of a title. No idea how to continue it either... but know what? I've alredi done the ending. Lolx

Anonymous said...

hmmm, it sounds draggy?
Show us the climax. Like the sex scene or something.

one of us said...

Ok ah, just waitin for the ending.