Friday, July 27, 2007

Doomsday Clock

What will you do if you have a week to live? Will you spend it with your love ones? Finish what you left un-finish? Do things you never done before? Maybe fuck as many girls as you can in a day? Or fuck a guy, just for the experience? Or maybe rob a bank? Or kill someone? You see, I only have a week to live. I'm dying. I don't have any illness. Matter of fact, I'm perfectly healthy. So why am I dying? Simple reason...I just want to die. I given myself a dead line. By end of this week, I will be dead. Probably with a rope around my neck. Actually, I haven't thought about how I will end my life. There are many methods to kill yourself and all seem so tempting. I wish I can try them all but this ain't a video game and I only have one credit. Is a one shot deal. So I have to choose wisely.

The question you are asking right now is - why the fuck do I want to kill myself? The answer? Not a clue. Maybe along the way, you figure out why. And when you do, please don't tell me. I don't want to change my plan.

So let's start.

Any given day in any given month of any given year, the doomsday clock begin.

My first day-

Woke up the same as everyday. Which is around 2 in the afternoon. Strange, really. I mean I'm going to die and i still wake up late. Really goes to show that I don't give a shit about my life, doesn't it? So I got up and the first thing I did was to turn on the computer monitor and check my download process. I might be dying but at least, let me catch the latest movie before I die. And I sure as hell don't want to wait for our local release. It might be too late. Afraid of getting caught? Dude, I'm dying. You think that will be a problem? You see, I like movies. Man, do I like movies. I can talk about movie the whole day. But then I ain't got the whole day, so I spare you the torture. If you are wondering, shouldn't I be at work? Then you slap yourself in the head for asking that question course you realize "Fuck, you going to die anyway, like you care about working, right?" Well you are wrong. I probably be at work if I have one. See, unlike other people. I won't mind working even if my life is about to end. That's the best part actually. You can go to work and give attitude to anyone you like or dislike. I mean don't you want to do that? To go work just to piss people off? Instead of not going to work and not pissing them off.

So wait a minute. You ain't working. Yes I ain't working. Been a seeking for a job for months. Let me give you an advice. Meet more friends. The more friends you meet, the higher chance of getting a job. You see friends know friends who know people who works in a company who seek people but they not going to publish an ad. in the newspaper, probably save cost, so decide to ask their people to see if they got friends to recomend. So one plus one and you get a job. I don't have much friends...hence no job. Stupid logic. I know.

Hmm friends. I hate to meet friends. Especially those I haven't met in years. They usually come out with questions that fucking irriate the shit out of you. "Hi, so what you been doing?" What I do is none of your business. Really. Normally, I just give them the "Oh nothing much" answer. And then went straight to "So what about you?" Even thought I have no interest in knowing what they do but it beats telling them what I do...which is nothing and then questions like "So you seeking for job?" and stuffs like that....which irriate the shit out of me more. You see, I know the shit I'm in...I don't need people to tell me the shit I'm in. And another best thing about friends is, they tend to have some mind reading skills. When you got a job, you don't hear from them at all. When you out of a job, they knock on your door.

This story will continue during these few days, before I kill myself.

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