Friday, April 13, 2007

Chapter IV

Things changed when she went to college. That was a year after the fateful accident.

I knew how difficult it must have been for her. On top of juggling school work, she worked evenings and weekends at a local club. At school, Elisabeth became friends with this group of people her age. Gradually I saw less of her. She started to spend more time hanging out with her clique, staying out late... even not coming home at times. Occasionally her friends will drop by for a sleepover. They were polite towards me, but that was about it. I never could become part of that circle.

I started to feel left out of her life. She no longer confided in me. Instead, she would spend hours on the phone with one of her friends if there was something on her mind.

The time I spent with her simply diminished. We no longer went for the long walks that we used to take together after dinner. We barely even have dinner together anymore. Guess that is just normal. She does have the right to a normal life after all. I should be thankful that she even continued to pay any attention to me.

Things just got worse when Elisabeth got to know this guy, Pierre.

Maybe it was due to jealousy, but I never did like him.

Pierre was fresh-faced, clean-cut and blonde – like one of those smiling college poster boys with a set of pearly white teeth you would see in a recruitment ad. According to Elisabeth, he was one of the most widely-sought after seniors among the campus’ female population – wealthy, intelligent and the kind every girl would love to bring home to the parents.

I shouldn’t be complaining. He treated her well. As far as I can remember, he never made her cry.

Guess I was just selfish. I should have been happy for Elisabeth – that she managed to find someone who is capable of taking care of her for the rest of her life, but deep down, I simply could not find the strength to accept him. Especially since, Pierre did not like me.

He never did show his disdain for me openly, but I could see it from the way he looked at me. It was as if I was a burden whom he could not wait to get rid of. I was always sent out of the room when he came over to spend the night. Occasionally, I was even told to leave the house for a couple of hours – to take a walk outside all on my own. Even during winter, it happened.

I started to resent Pierre.

If it wasn’t for him, my Princess wouldn’t have treated me this way, or would she?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.