Saturday, July 28, 2007

Doomsday Clock - Chapter 2 - 1979

I am the end product of the 70's. Yes. I am a product. We all are. Our IC numbers are our bar codes. And we all have a expiry date. But is only known by our company - God. However, there are some who decide to expire early...I am one of those who decide to expire early. I think I out-stay my shelve life.

I don't recall my childhood. Is like my childhood never happen and I just skip all that head straight to my secondary school life. Always on a low profile. But somehow, people still know me. Always wanted to get bully just so I can fight back. I never fought anyone before, so like Tyler Durden [Fight Club] said "How much do u knw about yourself, if you never been into a fight?" or something like that. Sometimes I hope that while walking down the street, some punk will pick a fight with me and I will, finally get my hands all bloody. Or my face get bloody. It doesn't matter if I win or lose. I just want to be involve in a fight. So that will be one of my goals before I kill myself this week. To get into a fight.

This is still the first day. I stop my last entry because I need to take a shit. Well if you have to shit, you have to shit regardless whether you going to die or what.

Is about 8pm and I did nothing but watch movie on my compute the whole day. Death never occur to me till now. I turn on the TV, to see what's on the News. I hardly turn on the News as I hate to read about the News. Current affair doesn't interest me. Is always bad news. But sometimes is nice to hear bad news. Is always nice to know that, somewhere out there, someone;s life is much more fuck up than yours. Knowing that makes me happy. But today news seem to be more on the moon. Something about the moon getting closer to earth. Oh great! Just as I was about to end my life this week, Something REALLY happen. Please, don't let it change my plan. I decide to turn it off, course I just don't want to hear any more...I really hate to change my plan. Just as I was about to turn the TV off, I suddenly have the urge to play some Guitar...Hero...

To be continue....

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