Thursday, April 12, 2007

Was thinking about what to write before i chanced upon this event, getting drunk.

What causes people to be drunk? Before yesterday, i was thinking liquor + activity surely gets people drunk. But it seems like no activity may causes drunk too. That's wat happens to me, 5 shots of 40% vodka doesn't seem a lot to me, but 3 hours later, the kick came in, and i was almost out very soon. But i didn't do much, just laughing away only. Sigh....i failed my drinking test...

Sometimes, the kick doesn't kick in till much later. And when u are wrongingly assuming that chey, not much effect... Drink la.! Till few hours later, u will simply be knocked out, cold.... Drinks like Long Island.... Yah, it's really long before u passed out with the mistaken conception it doesn't hurt....

Mixing.... Mixing with other wine, beer, alcohol, mixers..... all do the job of catalysts. Red wine and beer do the trick most of the time, whereas coffee is preferred in unusual mixing. Mixing other alcohol can be unpleasant. Usually the taste is the deciding factor. Simple tip, however good u are in holding your liquor, dun mix unless u wan to be drunk.

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