Friday, May 11, 2007

Chapter V

Well, looking back, maybe it was simply not to be – like many other things in Life.

They eventually got married in a simple church ceremony. Pierre and my Elisabeth. I still remember how radiant she looked on her wedding day. The veil barely managed to hide her wide smile underneath as the vows were exchanged. I wish I could congratulate her with all my heart – to let her know how glad I was for her, despite the conflicting numbness I felt deep inside, but the words simply won’t come out. All I could do is gaze at her, hoping that somehow she’ll understand.

A year, then two passed. I stayed in the background, silently watching over her. Ready to come to her aid should Pierre’s almost-perfect character be simply a façade. Much as I hate to admit it, I had no complaints. I could see that my Princess was happy.

Then the kids came along. Baby Emma was followed by baby Emily a year later.

Both girls were beautiful, with flowing red hair, enormous green eyes and that megawatt smile – like their mother. I loved them as if they were my own. Sadly, due to my disability maybe, I wasn’t allowed anywhere near them.

“Not till they are older,” mentioned Elisabeth. “I know you wouldn’t hurt them, but I’d rather not take any chances.”

I don’t know if Elisabeth knew it, but those words hurt. It felt as if someone had stabbed me with a knife earlier and all she did was twist it. I swallowed my emotions and tried not to think too much about it. Of course I respected her wishes. I didn’t want her angry with me. So all I could do was simply gaze from afar. I hope the girls grow up soon. I wonder how they’ll react towards me.

That was something I never found out.

Heroes or Villains

I fucking love 'Heroes' the series. Probably the best series on TV now. I never got into '24', simply because you really can't miss a single espiode of it for the whole bloody season! Not that is a bad thing, especially if you caught it on the first episode. But if you are a noob and jumping into it now is like walking into movie midway without knowing what the fuck is going on.

For 'Heroes', well I ain't actually talking the series. I'm talking about their powers. For those cavemen out there, search around the net for more details on 'Heroes'.

Powers. Who the fuck doesn't want power? Everybody want powers! But the question is not whether you want power. The question is what power do you want?

Here are a few choices and all of them can be seen in the series 'Heroes'.

[1] Spontaneous regeneration - In other words - Healing. Think Wolverine. The power to heal yourself. Now that's a great power to have. You don't have to worry, sleeping on the road in the middle of the night. Course, you won't die even a big fucking semi truck drove over you. You heal! However, according to 'Heroes', one will die if a sharp object is pierce into your skull and if nobody takes it out, then you will remain 'dead'. And in one issue Wolverine was killed by The Punisher [is a What If issue] when Wolfy shock himself to death while fighting with the Punisher. So I guess no matter how tough you are or how fast you heal, you are still human. Is this a power you want?

[2] Phasing - The ablity to pass thru solid objects. Now this is a peeping tom's dream come true. No more standing outside some screw up area peeping at some girls undressing from far. Simply shove your head into some restroom wall and sneak a peep. Also an idea power for crooks and murderers. From the way I see it, this power is meant for bad guys. I can't find any reason a good guy will want this power.

[3] Precognition - The ablity to see the future. Probably a news reporter dream power. Who doesn't want to see the future? Especially great for 4D buyers but then, you do not have the ablity to control what future you want to see. And do you really want to see the future? You might not like what you see.

[4] The ablity to bend space and time - Now here is a power that really kick ass. You can stop time, you can teleport to many different places and you go to the future and back. Is a dream power for everyone. Free travel. Hey I want to go to Japan, fuck! The ticket is expensive, let's fucking teleport! Or holy shit! I'm going to be late for work! Freeze Time! or teleport! Awesome power to have!

[5] Telepathy - Imagine you can hear what people think. Cool, right? Now imagine hearing nothing but negative shit about you? Uncool, right? Or constant nagging from your wife. Even when she's not talking. Unless you can control it, if not...good luck!

[6] Self propelled flight - The ablity to fly. Like Superman! But just the flight power, no superhuman strength. Great for saving cost on transport and also great for Green Peace members.

[7] Power mimicry - Now this seem like a great power, right? The ablity to copy other people's power. And then you can use their power any time you want. Cool, right? But honestly, is the stupidest power to have espeically if nobody else have any super power. So what's the point of copying other people's power if there is no power for you to copy in the first place?

[8] Technopathy - Manipulate technology. So your computer is down and you got no money to fix it. No worries. Use your power and viola! Computer is back on! You short of cash? No worry, head to the nearest ATM machine and use your power! Viola! You are loaded now! Nice, huh?

[9] Superhuman strength - Don't really see the point of this power unless you interested in putting your name in some Guiness World Record for carrying elephant with one hand.

[10] Invisibility - Another great power for peeping tom/rapist/mudererer/crooks and the likes.

[11] Cyberpathy - The power to intercept messages, like phones/sms/msn. Pretty useless unless you want to work for the Government or you some auntie who like to listen to other people's conversation.

[12] Memory removal, Power negation - Yeah is together. This guy in 'Heroes' have these powers. The memory removal is good, especially if are the type who have a partner and tends to flirt. If you ever get caught, the power comes pretty handly. For the power negation, unless you come across someone else with power, till then is pretty darn useless.

[13] Curative ability - Well you can cure plants and stuffs...I guess? I only see the power being use once on 'Heroes' and the guy was healing a dying plant to life. So if that's what it does...I guess is great for garderners. LOL

[14] Mind control - Another great power to have! The ablity to control other people's thinking. Great for flirts, I guess. Also great for getting strangers to give you money.

[15] Radiation manipulation - Eh...unless you want to be a loner? I mean radiation for crying out loud? Who the fuck wants to be near you?

[16] Multiple acquired abilities - Kind of like copy power except the guy in 'Heroes' have to slice someone's head, to eat their brain in order to get their power. Obviously for the psycho killers out there. And again, pointless if there is no other people with power. I think Hannibal will be happy to have this power even if there is noone out there with power.

[17] Illusion casting - Neat power...especially great if you are a magician. Or again for those who seeks a crime lifestyle.

Well that's it. There's more but for now these are the one. So which power do you want if you have the choice of getting one? For me? I go for HIRO.