Saturday, March 31, 2007


So the Story Began ~

The idea spawned from the brain of Malao & was immediately took up by ShaDy. Hence the birth of :: Project Misfits :: - a blog that the 3 of us (inclusive of DaWuGui) will share. There is no particular objective. Only thing we know for sure is that, we are gonna post anything we want, anytime we want. Hmm... according to Malao, it's gonna be some kinda 'magazine' of sorts. There will be no disclaimer. Read the entries @ your own peril, for neither of us are gonna be responsible for our words.

How long is this gonna last? No one knows for sure. And it certainly doesn't matter - does it? What matters is... sit back, relax and enjoy this ride. Comments are welcome. But remember, we will delete anything that irks our eye. *grinx* Now happy trying to figure out exactly who posted what.

:: Welcome to our universe ::

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